Pochekaeva Irina Sergeevna

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Pochekaeva Irina Sergeevna

We will tell to you a secret: the students of the faculty of foreign languages are just lucky. Wonder why? The matter is we are happy to have such a fabulous teacher as Pochekaeva Irina Sergeevna. At her lessons (oral practice) we never just sit around: we do interesting tasks, discuss different topics, learn a lot of new and useful things, and what’s more, we get a lot of energy from her and get inspired for improving our skills. We no longer doubt that Irina Sergeevna is a role model for all the students she teaches. Let’s learn more about her.

Irina Sergeevna was born in Perm in 1976 on the 2nd of June. She studied at language school №77. In fact, it was her parents’ decision to send her there for what she is now grateful to them. Later in 1993 she entered the Perm State Pedagogical University where she studied at the faculty of foreign languages. In 1998 she graduated from it with a red diploma. As Irina Sergeevna told us, she enjoyed her studies at the University. Especially, she liked her teaching practice at school. She speaks warmly and with gratitude about her favourite teachers: L.V.Chistjakova, T.M.Poljudova, Z.E.Jagovkina and others. At the University Irina Sergeevna studied not only English but also German. Thanks to the student exchange program in 1993 she spent 2 weeks in Northern Wales.

After graduating from the PSPU Irina Sergeevna was suggested teaching at the University, and she has been teaching there for 11 years already.

Irina Sergeevna loves her job and it is clear to us without any words. Needless to say, at her lessons there is always a friendly and casual atmosphere that definitely makes it easy to study and master the language.

As Irina Sergeevna says, in students she appreciates attentiveness, concentration, thorough preparation, realizing the fact that they have come to the University to get knowledge, and also the ability to put themselves to other people’s place and the desire to become real professionals in English.

«Any student can achieve a lot, - Irina Sergeevna says. – Everyone has a certain knowledge base which can be compared with a wardrobe full of gorgeous outfits. It is only necessary not to be afraid to open it and try on as many sumptuous dresses as possible!».

According to Irina Sergeevna’s words, it’s essential for a teacher to know the material perfectly well, to know the teaching methodology, and the good attitude toward people.

When we asked Irina Sergeevna, whether she had any plans for the future, she answered that she had no great plans, because she was quite content with her job and her life on the whole. Irina Sergeevna has loving parents, with whom she has a very close relationship, her beloved husband and a son Daniel, who is in the second form now. She also has a lot of friends, with whom she likes spending her spare time, and wonderful colleagues who always support and give valuable pieces of advice. In her leisure time Irina Sergeevna likes having a rest with the family and friends, reading modern books by foreign writers, watching her favourite films and cooking for the family.

We would like to finish our article with Irina Sergeevna's phrase that she repeats quite often: «You should live your life in such a way so that in the end of each day you could tell yourself: «Yes, today I have learnt something new, thus I haven’t spent the day in vain». And only in that way, in Irina Sergeevna's opinion, you can achieve success. Take it into account.

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