Lyceum №3, Perm

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Lyceum №3 was founded in 1981.

Since 23 July 1981 the director of the lyceum has been Shtefan Vladimir Alexandrovich The lyceum №3 is situated on the outskirts of Perm. The lyceum gives education using new modern technologies. Since 1988 deep learning of some subjects started. Currently there are the following kinds of profiles: - linguistic -mathematical - biological and chemical - military

715 people have finished the school since these profiles with deep learning were introduced. Practically all the graduates entered Higher Educational Establishments. Today the school teaches 1237 pupils who form 22 forms in the primary school level, 24 forms I the secondary school level and 6 forms in the senior high school level. In this amount of forms there are 19 specialized forms. 81 teachers take part in the educational process. The lyceum provides the pupils with high quality education. It copes greatly with its main aim to prepare the pupils for entering Higher Educational Establishments. The graduates successfully realize themselves in the society. The pupils also take an active part in different Olympiads and scientific conferences. What is more, they do well in sports and very often take prize places in different sport competitions. At last the lyceum is a well equipped educational establishment in which pupils have a free access to: -2 sport halls; - a training hall; -3 computer classes; -Physical, chemical and biological laboratories; - a conference hall

All that is made for getting new knowledge, maintaining health and mastering some practical skills - the things which the pupils will expect in their adult lives.


Лицей №3, город Пермь

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