International Women’s Day – 8th of March.

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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International Women’s Day – 8th of March. In this article I would like to tell you more details about such a remarkable holiday as the 8th of March. A lot of people do not exactly know why the 8th of March is indicated as women’s day and where it came from. There are several versions of this holiday birthday.

Some argue that in ancient Rome exist women’s day. This day, women who are married by their husbands get gifts and were surrounded by care and attention. Further this day slaves were having a rest. Others think that history of this day started in 1857, when in New York sewing hundreds of workers and shoe factories suit riot. They demanded 10-hour working day, bright and dry operating room, and a decent salary.

And is not casual, they have advanced requirements such as working at the time, women 16 hours a day, while receiving a pittance for their labor. Naturally dispersed the demonstration, but the noise due to their uniqueness she done fairly. And then this event and became known as Women's Day ... It took more than 50 years, and last Sunday of February already in 1908, thousands of women once again took to the streets of New York. Demonstrating this, as you might guess, was timed to the very "Women's Day" in 1857. Women again began to demand electoral votes, were against the terrible working conditions, and especially against child labor. The police were ordered to disperse the demonstration. In the course of hoses were put with the dirty ice water.

Inspired by the actions of "American socialist sisters, Clara Zetkin, proposed to put on a conference question to women all over the world have chosen a particular day when they will attract public attention to their requirements. The conference, attended by over 100 women from 17 countries, strongly supported this proposal roll-call vote which resulted in the emergence of the International Day of Solidarity in the struggle for women's economic, social and political equality. It should be noted that the exact date of the day at this conference have not been determined. In Russia this day women celebrate every year since 1913. And so, 23 February 1917, the year in Russia once again has come this day, women of Petrograd took to the streets protesting against the war. Some spontaneous demonstrations went into mass strikes and demonstrations, clashes with the Cossacks and police. February 24-25, the mass strike escalated into a general strike. February 26 separate clashes with the police resulted in battles with troops summoned to the capital. February 27 general strike turned into an armed uprising, was a massive transfer of troops to the insurgents, who occupied the most important points of the city government buildings. A Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, at the same time created the Interim Committee of the State Duma, which formed a government. 2 (15) March, Nicholas II abdicated.March 1 the new government was established in Moscow in March - around the country.

Thus, it is International Women's Day in 1917 was the trigger that led to the February Revolution, which in turn led to the October Revolution and the emergence of the Soviet Union ... In the Soviet Union on March 8 has long been a normal working day, but May 8, 1965, the eve of the 1920 Anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War, International Women's Day on 8 March was declared in the USSR holiday. By the way, since 2002, International Women's Day celebrated in Russia as a "non-working holiday," not by the decree of 1965, and according to article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the list of nine other public holidays the Russian Federation. It should also be noted that many doubt that this international festival. All countries have proclaimed March 8th day of campaigning for women's rights - International Women's Day. This day is considered the national output in the former Soviet republics, as well as in Angola, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Cambodia, China, Congo (where a holiday is not "international", and Congolese women), Laos, Macedonia, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea and Uganda.

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