International ethnic festival Kamwa, Perm

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 15:10, 26 декабря 2011; Тимохина Евгения (обсуждение | вклад)

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International ethnic festival Kamwa.Perm


Do you want to visit one of the most famous and fashionable ethnic festivals in Russia? In this case "Kamwa" is just what you need! What is "Kamwa»? Kamwa (from the finno-ugric "kam "(man,shaman), "va" (water )) is international ethnic festival. This unique event takes place every year in Perm. Perm public organization for promotion of cultural and youth projects Kamwa was created in July 2006. For the first time this event was held in the format of ethnofuturism.'What does it mean?' you ask. I explain: ethnofuturism is a merger that is peculiar to the national spirit of the archaic, prehistoric and ethnic material with a modern sometimes even futuristic form or, on the contrary, the merger of the archaic forms with the modern perception of the world. The festival Kamwa develops the trend in the contemporary art. One of the basic formats of the festival is an art. The organizers are doing everything to make the audience know not only the artists but also the philosophy of their creativity. Undoubtedly, the artists of ethnofuturism have had a special influence on the ideology of the festival, opened for us new mythology with the help of their imagination. In 2007 the festival became a priority project of the cultural development of the Perm region, what is more it received the status of an International festival of ethnic cultures. And in 2010 the festival Kamwa celebrated its anniversary. During this time the Festival Kamwa was recognized as the best modern ethnic festival of Russia. Kamwa attracts the attention of more and more people. No one will be indifferent to this remarkable project. The festival presents to your attention a number of interesting events. You can visit various exhibitions, concerts of ethnic groups. Also you have the opportunity to visit master classes on folk dances or on the playing folk instruments. In general, you will not regret visiting the festival Kamwa! You will spend unforgettable time in a friendly atmosphere, you will gain a lot of new friends and what is more you will remove something new for yourself!

Goals and objectives

  1.Assistance to development of professional and amateur creative activity;
  2.Creating conditions for practical implementation of the programme of preservation and revival of cultural and historical traditions;
  3.Support of cultural initiatives of creative collectives and promotion of their implementation;
  4.Popularization of the creativity of the original authors, promotion of new names in the field of culture and art;
  holding of the festival activities, cultural exchange;
  5.The development of cultural, educational and humanitarian activities.


 1.Komi and the Komi republic on the pages of the magazine ART
 2.Ethnoforum ETHNOFUTURE
 3.The holiday of NEW BREAD in Хохловке
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