ЕГЭ/Английский язык/Раздел 1. Урок 2

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 10:08, 13 февраля 2009; Osipov A N (обсуждение | вклад)

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Шаблон:Campus I. Learn these words before you listen to the story:

heart n сердце
Don't smoke. It's bad for your heart.
She has a kind heart.

be a'like adj быть похожими (друг на друга)
The two sisters are very much alike.
Parents and their children are often alike.

different adj различный; несходный; иной
The first story was very interesting and this story is
My friend and his brother are very much alike but my sister
and I are quite different.
They live in different cities.

take care of заботиться о, присматривать за
If you have a cat, you must take care of it.
Who takes care of your small brother?
He took care of the flowers in the garden.

myself pron себя, себе, собой
"I don't speak about myself," he said.
I often ask myself this question.
I made myself a cup of tea.

hair n sing волосы
He is quite a young man but his hair is white.
The girl had long hair.
What color is her hair?

look v 1. смотреть; 2. выглядеть
She is fifty, but she looks younger.
The child looks ill.

II. Download the story and listen to it untill you completely undestand its plot. Or you may listen to directly from this page

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