ЕГЭ/Английский язык/Раздел 4. Урок 5

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 14:07, 18 декабря 2008; Игорь Федосеев (обсуждение | вклад)

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Learn these words before you listen to the story:

fruit n sing фрукты

Everybody likes to eat fruit.

Early fruit is usually expensive.

treasure n сокровище

The old man kept his treasure under his bed.

They continued to dig from morning till night and at last they found the treasure.

The king had many treasures, but nobody saw them.

bury v хоронить, зарывать в землю

At night they buried their treasures.

We decided to bury the box under the tree.

That year the poor woman buried all her children.

divide v делить(ся); разделять(ся)

Divide this long sentence into two.

The teacher divided the class into two groups.

The two friends divided everything.

dig v (dug, dug) копать, рыть; выкапывать

He continued to dig because he wanted to find water.

We had to dig our car out of the snow.

II. Download the story and listen to it until you completely undestand its plot. Or you may listen to directly from this page
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