Zotin, Boris Georgievich

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Zotin, Boris Giorgievich
Boris Georgievich lived in difficult time. His father left for the front when he was only 15. What should a youth do when he knew that he had to maintain the whole family himself? Without any doubts he left school and got a job at the Motovilihinskiy plant, which was in strong need of new young workers. It was hard work. He had to carry heavy parts and details as the plant supplied the front with cannons. At first Boris Georgievich worked 8 hours a day and then even 12. What’s more the workers ate very little, for instance, the mixture of flour and water or something of this kind.

The atmosphere was tense and it wasn’t clear what to do next and where everybody was. In 1943 they received a funeral letter. It said his father had died in a military hospital. In a year he received a notice from the military office. But by that time Boris Georgievich had become a really professional lathe operator and he hadn’t seen the war as it was. The authorities couldn’t lose such a great worker so they promoted him first to the fifth and then to the sixth category. He continued his painstaking work in the rear and it was as important as at the front.

In 1945, after the war had finished he was awarded the medal "For The Victory In The Great Patriotic War".

Later in 1963 he was awarded Order of Lenin, the most honoured reward in the Soviet Union.

So, Boris Georgievich's life wasn't easy, but he managed to overcome all the difficulties with dignity.

In Russian: Зотин, Борис Георгиевич

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