How to write a scientific paper/Sources

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 20:58, 21 декабря 2018; Евгений Патаракин (обсуждение | вклад)

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  • Education serves a variety of functions.
  • All humans have the capacity to think for themselves, in order to function effectively in the local, national, and world contexts that are themselves complex emergent systems.
  • many contemporary educators have followed the strong arguments of Dewey and Freire for less centralized and less rigid structures: hands-on practices, multiple ways of knowing and thinking, group interactions, flexible specification of desired outcomes, and astute editing and feedback by teachers
  • We agree that such teaching methods are effective ways to encourage independent thinking and learning.
  • Thinking only in terms of enhancing students’ ability to think independently, the focus of teachers and students tends to become narrowed to individual achievement. Recognizing that growth and change occur because of interactions among elements highlights the importance of contact among individuals, and of overall group dynamics.

Classroom as a network

  • The optimal classroom is often visualized as a clearly structured system: the teacher is the center of a radially organized network of well-defined spokes, sending out carefully packaged information to students located on the rim.

How does one respond to ...

The teachers themselves identified a number of possible problems:

  • How does one respond, in a collaborative learning environment, to students' needs to identify individually with their own work?
  • How could these public school teachers cross the distance between playful creative classroom work and the assessment imperative of "no child left behind"?


  • During the summer of 2003, we convened a Summer Institute for urban public school teachers called "Emergence and Exploration: Bridging Cultures in K-12 Curricula."
  • Institute materials, including the work and comments of participants, are extensively documented on the web at Scratch/HowTo/Hackathon/Manual
  • Our central intention was to introduce teachers to the idea of remix so that they could engage the concept in ways that would be helpful in their own classrooms. We imagined that remix might be useful to them in at least two forms.
  • We invited teachers to use an emergent structure for their own curricula and classrooms.
  • We showed teachers how emergent models might be used to explain various phenomena.
  • In addition, we provided time and opportunities to play with computer models of emergent systems so that teachers could see how they worked
  • We asked the teachers to create their take-home project using a wiki



The case-study data presented in this paper suggests that
The case-study data presented in this paper suggests that agent-based modelling activities may be productively deployed in social policy education.
In many ways, the findings from our case-study echo those found in existing Constructionist literature
In many ways, the findings from our case-study echo those found in existing Constructionist literature in which agent-based models are used as educational tools: students were able to articulate productive intuitions about the topic, and by using an agent-based model as an object-to-think-with, were able to apply them in series of iterative model constructions.

Our data showed that students ...


  • It is important to remind ourselves that individuals benefit in important ways from positive group functioning.
  • Many of the participants mentioned "collaboration," "connecting linkages," and "discussing our thoughts with our peers" as significant aspects of the institute.
