Результаты исследований обучающихся в проекте Are you eco-friendly?

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Авторы работы

Нефедова Анна Андреевна

Участники группы Ecologists

Проблемный вопрос (вопрос для исследования)

How can you improve ecological situation in our town?

Гипотеза исследования

Nizhny Novgorod is sure to be one of the largest industrial centers of the Russian Federation. Nizhny Novgorod is located on the confluence of two largest rivers of Russia - the Volga and the Oka. In Nizhny Novgorod, as in any other large industrial center of Russia, there is the problem of environmental pollution. Made in recent years, the growth of industrial production leads to an increase of anthropogenic load on all components of the natural environment (air, water, soil, green spaces, etc.) however, the environmental situation in the city in recent years remains stable. Nevertheless, everything can change in an instant. Therefore, we believe that we must do our best to improve the environmental state of our hometown.

Цели исследования

  1. To identify the main environmental problems in the city;
  2. To classify the types of pollution;
  3. To find possible solutions to this problem.

Результаты проведённого исследования

Ecology is a very important topic. It is from the environment, our health and well-being depends on. We have a great desire improve ecological situation in our town, that’s why we chose this topic. Nizhny Novgorod is sure to be one of the largest industrial centers of the Russian Federation. Nizhny Novgorod is located on the confluence of two largest rivers of Russia - the Volga and the Oka. In Nizhny Novgorod, as in any other large industrial center of Russia, there is the problem of environmental pollution. Made in recent years, the growth of industrial production leads to an increase of anthropogenic load on all components of the natural environment (air, water, soil, green spaces, etc.) however, the environmental situation in the city in recent years remains stable. Nevertheless, everything can change in an instant. Therefore, we believe that we must do our best to improve the environmental state of our hometown. We start our research from identifying the main environmental problems in our city. We found such environmental problems in our city as: 1) air pollution; 2) water pollution; 3) soil pollution; 4) rubbish. Let’s look at these problems more detailed. Air pollution. There are more than 500 large industrial enterprises and associations, tens of thousands of organizations of different ownership forms and private entrepreneurs today in the city. Moreover, almost every person in our town has his own car. It is known to everyone, that a great number of cars has a negative effect on our environment. Water pollution. The Volga and the Oka are two main rivers in Nizhny Novgorod. They also assume the main burden of harmful substances. The waters of the Oka on a plot in the area of Dzerzhinsk recognized as the most polluted in the region. No better picture with small rivers. In their waters more than normal contains iron, manganese, ammonium ion, oil products, etc. The reasons for this are industrial and domestic human activities. Some factories discharge untreated effluence. Soil pollution. A great number of factors influence on the soil pollution. The main ones are motor transport and industrial enterprises of the city. The most polluted are building site located close to roads with large traffic. Soils in such places are prevalent of pollution, characteristic of the road transport (lead and oil). Rubbish. There is a big landfill for the recycling of garbage in our region, but it is not enough. The amount of the garbage is growing and some years later, there is no place to put it. Based on these problems we decided to find some ways to solve them. First, we created a mental map for classifying the types of pollution visually.

Ментальная карта участников проекта Нефедовой А.А..jpg

Secondly, we start to find the solution. 1) It is the fact, that trees help to clear the air. We concluded that planting trees could make the air a bit cleaner. It doesn’t mean that the problem will be solved, but we must to start from anything. We understand, that to close factories and forbid people to use their cars is impossible. 2) Water purification is one of the ways of solving the problem of water pollution. Business owners should take care to install quality sewage treatment plants. The presence of such devices, of course, are not able to completely stop the emission of toxic substances, but greatly reduce their concentration quite under force. Contamination of drinking water pollution of drinking water will help to fight household filters that will purify her in the house. Take care of the cleanliness of fresh water needs and the man himself. Adherence to a few simple rules will help greatly reduce the level of water pollution: • It is necessary economically to use tap water. • Avoid waste in the sewer system. • Possible clean the debris from the nearby water and beaches. • Do not use synthetic fertilizers. • It is best as a fertilizer suitable for organic household waste, grass cuttings, dead leaves or compost. 3) To combat soil erosion provides a number of different activities: reinforcement of the soil through the root system of vegetation, the formation of a closed vegetation cover, the alternation of different types of vegetation on slopes; plowing across the slope, terracing; planting of shelterbelts to reduce wind speed in the surface layer; minimization of tillage (e.g., plowing without turning); lane alternation of crops; soil stabilization vegetation. 4) Ways for solving the problem with rubbish. 1. It is necessary to develop all methods to reduce the masses of garbage at the stage of its formation (at the enterprises), and at the stage of product consumption. Here fit all of the measures that you come up with. Direct financial incentives janitors and homeowners for the separation of the waste stream in two parts: "dry" waste, that is suitable for direct processing and separation, "wet", which requires a different processing (composting, pyrolysis, etc.), will give a huge benefit at the stage of separation of garbage. This includes the collection of waste paper from the public and other similar and well-known ten years ago ways. 2. Adopt extrusion of debris. If a prepared market, there must be separation. If the market is not prepared, should be pressed unrequited garbage. This will dramatically reduce the need for landfills, and, in addition, it is proposed to close the dense briquettes of the old landfill and maps sludge from wastewater treatment. 3. Landfill sites in their present state must be destroyed. In every city, every region needs to be constructed modern landfills used for the disposal of garbage that we didn't feel ashamed in front of my grandchildren. 4. The construction of incinerators shall be prohibited, and kiln incineration of hazardous waste closed. For hazardous substances, there are other methods of disposal.


Полезные ресурсы

  1. Гринпис России
  2. Министерство экологии и природных ресурсов Нижегородской области
  3. Статья в Википедии "Environmental issues"

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