Результаты исследований обучающихся в проекте Are you eco-friendly?

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Авторы работы

Нефедова Анна Андреевна

Участники группы Ecologists

Проблемный вопрос (вопрос для исследования)

How can you improve ecological situation in our town?

Гипотеза исследования

Nizhny Novgorod is sure to be one of the largest industrial centers of the Russian Federation. Nizhny Novgorod is located on the confluence of two largest rivers of Russia - the Volga and the Oka. In Nizhny Novgorod, as in any other large industrial center of Russia, there is the problem of environmental pollution. Made in recent years, the growth of industrial production leads to an increase of anthropogenic load on all components of the natural environment (air, water, soil, green spaces, etc.) however, the environmental situation in the city in recent years remains stable. Nevertheless, everything can change in an instant. Therefore, we believe that we must do our best to improve the environmental state of our hometown.

Цели исследования

  1. To identify the main environmental problems in the city;
  2. To classify the types of pollution;
  3. To find possible solutions to this problem.

Результаты проведённого исследования


Полезные ресурсы

  1. Гринпис России
  2. Министерство экологии и природных ресурсов Нижегородской области
  3. Статья в Википедии "Environmental issues"

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Учебный проект Are you eco-friendly?

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