Vishera Nature Reserve, Perm Krai

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Версия от 12:44, 16 декабря 2015; Анастасия Лыбина (обсуждение | вклад)

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The most important natural and historical-cultural attractions of the northern Urals, which the reserve tries to save and explore, are listed here.
Хребет Лиственичный.jpg

1) There is one of the largest solid hardwood forests in Europe here, up Vishera river, which has never been touched by an axe.

2) There are some scenic, unique and typical for the northern Urals mountain landscapes in the reserve, which include tens of original natural monuments.

3) The boundary of a few large geographical zones, which are the natural home for European, Northern and Siberian animals and plants, goes along the part of the northern Urals here. That`s why the flora and fauna of the reserve show great diversity.

4) Vishera is a natural reserve for many valuable animal and plant species. In particular, wild reindeer, sable, grayling, Siberian taimen, cedar and some other species, which are rare for the European Russia, are preserved here.
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5) This part of the northern Urals is interesting in a historical-ethnographic term. It is also the very last district in Europe where the ancient race called Mansi lives. Here a small part of natural and historical-cultural heritage of the northern Urals is protected and explored, and it keeps its natural original state in a lot of ways. If the reserve status was canceled and plants and factories or thousands of people starving to get free intercourse with wild world were let to this land, the whole original heritage listed above would be lost quickly and irretrievably.

Вишерский заповедник, Пермский край

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