Krivoshchekov Semen Prohorovich
Once in the autumn evening I have heard by the radio the story about former director Nizhne-Volpinskoj secondary school. The colleagues and pupils warmly spoke about him, with love and sorrow,he was unusual person, kind, honest. They spoke about that he was the remarkable teacher, he sang, played on an accordion and participated in amateur performances …
He was born in a country family on September, 14, 1923 in village Chinagort not far from Arkhangelsk. Semen was the fourteenth child in family.
Being a student he dreamt to become a pilot. In 1943 lieutenant Krivoshchekov has been sent on front. He was the commander of the tank on 1 Baltic, 2 Baltic and Leningrad fronts. In November, 11, 1944 near Riga he got burned in the tank, has received a contusion and got burns all over the body of II degree. That's a miracle that he staied alive. All documents, things and clothes have burned down. There were no hopes for rescue. But the young organism did recover. Doctors were surprised. In January, 23, 1945 in Courland he had been again wounded in a shoulder by an enemy splinter.
After demobilization from the Soviet Army Semen Prohorovich has entered Kudimkar teachers training institute and in August 1949 had been appointed as a director of Timinskoj seven-year school. Timino is in 80 kms from Kudimkar!
In 1974 family had moved to Rostov area where Semen Prohorovich worked as a teacher of mathematics and physics. Here he also had gained the big authority and love from pupils and colleagues.