Eremushkina village ( Kudymkar district, Perm region)

Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
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Real Russia is thousands of tiny settlements and villages..and disappearance of one of them isn’t something special…but if it’s regularity? It hurts me to think so..

Village Eremushkina is situated not far from my native village Vesjoly Mys. The neighborhood is quite picturesque as it’s situated on the hill and surrounded with the birch-trees aspens. It isn’t big…it includes a dozen of tumbledown houses.. I used to go there to pick up mushrooms and berries and my favourite dainty – pistiki (horsetail).


The village was founded in the early 19th century. The name of the first inhabitant was Erema. The main occupation of the locals was farming. The only way to reach the village was to go along the rut. There wasn’t neither a school nor a fast-aid post. Children studied in the nearest school in Samkovo, which was 12 km far from it, or studied at home.

When Vesjoly Mys was founded in 1930s, the biggest part of Eremushkina dwellers moved to that settlement because it included some conveniences such as a school, a fast-aid post, a club and several shops. Eremushkina was outdated.


The village is famous for it’s sad events which happened in April 2009 when two people suffocated during the fire. Two fire engines were sent to stop the fire, but they couldn’t reach the village because of the absence of the road. The firemen decided to go there on foot. The neighbour of victims tried to help them but in vain, he rescued five people, however two of them had already been dead.

Еремушкина деревня (Кудымкарский район, Пермский край)

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