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Aligned with the nationally recognized Association of Colleges and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards, the iSkills Assessments measures information literacy trough seven type tasks: define, access, evaluate, manage, integrate, create and communicate, representing a range of ways that students handle information through digital technology.

ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education are available on:


  Возрастная категория Сфера деятельности
Arranging personnel information into an organizational chart 12 Innovative Designer
Asking questions of a professor that help disambiguate a vague research assignment 12 Knowledge Constructor
Categorizing emails into appropriate folders based on a critical view of the emails contents 12 Innovative Designer
Comparing advertisements, emails or websites from competing vendors by summarizing information into a table 12 Computational Thinker
Conducting effective preliminary information searches to help frame a research statement 10 Knowledge Constructor
Creating a data display to clarify the relationship between academic and economic variables 14 Creative Communicator
Creating a presentation slide to support a position on a controversial topic 12 Creative Communicator
Deciding the extent to which a collection of resources sufficiently covers a research area 12 Knowledge Constructor
Deciding what types of resources might yield the most useful information for a particular need 10 Knowledge Constructor
Designing a flyer to advertise to a distinct group of users 12 Creative Communicator
Distinguishing a clear, concise and topical research question from poorly framed questions 10 Knowledge Constructor
Editing and formatting a document according to a set of editorial specifications 12 Creative Communicator
Efficiently browsing one or more resources to locate pertinent information 10 Knowledge Constructor
Evaluating whether a database contains appropriately current and pertinent information 12 Knowledge Constructor
Formatting a document to make it more useful to a particular group 10 Creative Communicator
Generating and combining search terms 10 Knowledge Constructor
Incorporating information from different sources to conduct a scientific experiment and report the results 12 Computational Thinker
Judging the relative usefulness of provided web pages and online journal articles 12 Knowledge Constructor
Placing results from an academic or sports tournament into a spreadsheet to clarify standings and decide the need for playoffs 12 Computational Thinker
Selecting and organizing slides for distinct presentations to different audiences 12 Creative Communicator
Sorting files, emails or database returns to clarify clusters of related information 12 Innovative Designer
Transforming an email into a succinct presentation to meet an audience's needs 14 Creative Communicator

Вопросы - а сколько чего-нибудь?

  • Сколько объектов со свойством Источник = ACRL


  • Для каких сфер деятельности описано больше всего компетенций?
  Сфера деятельности
Arranging personnel information into an organizational chart Innovative Designer
Asking questions of a professor that help disambiguate a vague research assignment Knowledge Constructor
Categorizing emails into appropriate folders based on a critical view of the emails contents Innovative Designer
Comparing advertisements, emails or websites from competing vendors by summarizing information into a table Computational Thinker
Conducting effective preliminary information searches to help frame a research statement Knowledge Constructor
Creating a data display to clarify the relationship between academic and economic variables Creative Communicator
Creating a presentation slide to support a position on a controversial topic Creative Communicator
Deciding the extent to which a collection of resources sufficiently covers a research area Knowledge Constructor
Deciding what types of resources might yield the most useful information for a particular need Knowledge Constructor
Designing a flyer to advertise to a distinct group of users Creative Communicator
Distinguishing a clear, concise and topical research question from poorly framed questions Knowledge Constructor
Editing and formatting a document according to a set of editorial specifications Creative Communicator
Efficiently browsing one or more resources to locate pertinent information Knowledge Constructor
Evaluating whether a database contains appropriately current and pertinent information Knowledge Constructor
Formatting a document to make it more useful to a particular group Creative Communicator
Generating and combining search terms Knowledge Constructor
Incorporating information from different sources to conduct a scientific experiment and report the results Computational Thinker
Judging the relative usefulness of provided web pages and online journal articles Knowledge Constructor
Placing results from an academic or sports tournament into a spreadsheet to clarify standings and decide the need for playoffs Computational Thinker
Selecting and organizing slides for distinct presentations to different audiences Creative Communicator
Sorting files, emails or database returns to clarify clusters of related information Innovative Designer
Transforming an email into a succinct presentation to meet an audience's needs Creative Communicator
  • Насколько больше категорий представлено в ISTE чем в ACRL - 84 - 22

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