Материал из Letopisi.Ru — «Время вернуться домой»
Aligned with the nationally recognized Association of Colleges and Research Libraries (ACRL) Standards, the iSkills Assessments measures information literacy trough seven type tasks: define, access, evaluate, manage, integrate, create and communicate, representing a range of ways that students handle information through digital technology.
ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education are available on:
- Arranging personnel information into an organizational chart
- Asking questions of a professor that help disambiguate a vague research assignment
- Categorizing emails into appropriate folders based on a critical view of the emails contents
- Comparing advertisements, emails or websites from competing vendors by summarizing information into a table
- Conducting effective preliminary information searches to help frame a research statement
- Creating a data display to clarify the relationship between academic and economic variables
- Creating a presentation slide to support a position on a controversial topic
- Deciding the extent to which a collection of resources sufficiently covers a research area
- Deciding what types of resources might yield the most useful information for a particular need
- Designing a flyer to advertise to a distinct group of users
- Distinguishing a clear, concise and topical research question from poorly framed questions
- Editing and formatting a document according to a set of editorial specifications
- Efficiently browsing one or more resources to locate pertinent information
- Evaluating whether a database contains appropriately current and pertinent information
- Formatting a document to make it more useful to a particular group
- Generating and combining search terms
- Incorporating information from different sources to conduct a scientific experiment and report the results
- Judging the relative usefulness of provided web pages and online journal articles
- Placing results from an academic or sports tournament into a spreadsheet to clarify standings and decide the need for playoffs
- Selecting and organizing slides for distinct presentations to different audiences
- Sorting files, emails or database returns to clarify clusters of related information
- Transforming an email into a succinct presentation to meet an audience's needs
Вопросы - а сколько чего-нибудь?
- Сколько объектов со свойством Источник = ACRL
- Для каких сфер деятельности описано больше всего компетенций?
- Насколько больше категорий представлено в ISTE чем в ACRL - 84 - 22